
the bitter half

most the baristas in my bux are good about leaving their personal drama at the front door. sure, you'll hear the occasional whining and complaining about someone's' parents/school/boyfriend/homies but usually my fellow baristas are pretty good about not obsessing over their issues while they're supposed to be making lattes.

however we now have a recently transferred barista who finds it impossible to not bring his drama with him when he comes to work.
his drama comes in the form of his amazon-sized girlfriend. she's a solid foot taller than he is and has amazon-sized attitude to boot. she's never once come in without her trademark frown and if she's not inside bux bitching her boyfriend out, she's calling him on the phone to give him an earful.

this morning bitched out barista called to say he was going to be a few minutes late. when he arrived he looked like he'd just come back from a sleep deprivation study with his bloodshot eyes and zombie-like stare. not two steps behind him was his girlfriend who was shaking her finger at him while complaining that he had no respect for her. i expected her to leave once bitched out barista clocked on but she hung around, using every chance he wasn't directly occupied to gripe at him some more. i really felt sorry for him. he looked so defeated while he just stood there and took whatever garbage his girlfriend was dishing out.
she left after awhile, but called him about an hour later. he spent another ten minutes in the backroom while she chewed him out. then when it was time for his lunch break she was back at bux to rip him a new one during his thirty minute break.

the really sad thing is every one of his shifts are like this. and if his girlfriend has no problem berating him in public, i hate to think of what she's like behind closed doors.
perky assistant manager has already talked with bitched out barista about his "distraction" while at work. i wonder if he realizes that his girlfriend is bitching him right out of a job.

barista rant: i'm sorry you have a cold, but please refrain from sneezing into your hand before handing me your cash. please don't lick your fingers to separate the dollar bills you're about to give me. and please don't cough in my face when ordering your drink


Anonymous said...

a new drink just came in today! a really rich hot chocolate that i drank too much of and now feeling kinda yuck... but it was so good at the time...
plus i gave my favourite starbucks shop (the one behind my house) a mooncake (cos it was the mooncake festival last week - it's a chinese celebration) for being so cool.

see, i learn from your blog on how to be a good customer but also know what to expect. yay! entertaining AND informative.

Marni said...

Bless his heart?! He needs to get som kahuna's and tell her to move the hell on!

Anonymous said...

Hm... there are a lot of reasons why women will sometimes stay with abusive boyfriends. I wonder if the same reasons apply when the roles are reversed? I can tell you quite easily why a guy would stay with a girl that gave him little or no respect. But even -that- has its limits when it comes to, say, public humiliation and constant yelling; this I just don't understand.

My guess, from the limited information I could gather, is that this girl needs him as much as he -thinks- he needs this girl. Perhaps as a verbal punching bag, an ego boost, a way to exercise control, etc..

He really, really needs to drop her and fast; but when he does, expect some backlash from "a woman scorned" (and very pissed off). That much is inevitable, but worlds better than what he's putting up with right now. K

Anonymous said...

You are full of yourself, you were a newbie at one time to. And face it you just a lowly coffee girl at over priced coffee shop. No one cares about your bitching. If you don't like it go get an education and a real job.

Anonymous said...

Based on the words bitter, drama, and "he" I was sure he was gay. And then I read on. Apparently we don't have the drama market as cornered as we thought we did.

Why is it that the people who leave the negative blog comments are always the ones with the poorest grasp of grammar?

Anonymous said...

I think your store manager needs to ban this 'girlfriend' from hanging around at the store. And the employee should be made to turn his cell phone off!

Writeprocrastinator said...

"i'm sorry you have a cold, but please refrain from sneezing into your hand before handing me your cash. please don't lick your fingers to separate the dollar bills you're about to give me. and please don't cough in my face when ordering your drink."

Time to change the company slogan to: "Starbuck's, catch the hepatitis!"

Plain(s)feminist said...

That sounds bad, Barista Brat. Maybe a concerned partner should point him to the nearest domestic abuse hotline. Seriously. It's verbal abuse, at the very least.

Natalie said...

Wow, I hardly know what to say. What makes a guy take that kind of abuse? He needs some serious help.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Brat, I think that this poor guy needs some serious help.

For that matter, Amazonia needs help, too. She has GOT to learn how to express anger in a more constructive way than going to her boyfriend's job and bitching him out.

Of course, I think that the managing partner should maybe kick Amazonia out, she IS disrupting business. That would be a good place to start, Amazonia wouldn't be so free to bitch him out at work, and he would have a safe place to go where she can't come.

Poor guy. I hope he gets some help, and gets some self-respect. Otherwise, he'll put up with this forever.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should tell your partner to buy a chain or handcuff and restrain her elsewhere? Otherwise it'll not only disturbing him but you and the other people as well.

Imagine tall and savage women screaming in front of the bux, hoooooo.... I wouldn't get near the bux.

Harry the Hire said...

"Why is it that the people who leave the negative blog comments are always the ones with the poorest grasp of grammar?"

Not only that, why are they always anonymous? Too ashamed to come out and show their faces, they hurl their abuse under the cover of darkness. Barista, nos drowia.

Anonymous said...

Management needs to step up and tell the woman she isn't welcome there. If she protests, they can get a trespass order. Make the Starbucks the one little refuge that poor sap has, or just fire him and be done with it.

barista brat said...

marcus - that's so cool of you! i'm sure those baristas love you. btw - what new hot chocolate drink came in? i know different countries get different drinks at different times.

marni - i agree, but from things he's said about his relationship, it seems he likes over the top drama.

kiz - i think there is that whole co-dependent thing going on. i think he's misguided when he says "she acts like that because she loves me so much".

anonymous - i think it's time you switched to decaf, haha!

jpdc - i'm saving the "bitter gay drama" for later posts. believe me, we have plenty of that as well ;)

anonymous - acting manager hasn't been around that much lately and our assistant manager gave bitched out barista a pretty firm talk the other day. we'll see if that changes anything.

writeprocrastinator - i'll have to email you a sick story. i has something to do with e coli - but no from spinach!

plain(s)feminist - he's in that denial stage right now. a couple of baristas have broached the subject with him, but he gets defensive and says we just haven't seen her in a good mood.

natalie - i think maybe because he recently transferred from another state and doesn't have many close friends here is why he hasn't stood up to her.

ms k. - i think you're right. if he doesn't end the verbal abuse he'll deal with it forever.

andy ming - i think if anyone gets cuffed it's him - that way he can't escape when she's bitching.

lighterate - cheers! haha, i had to look the polish up to figure out what you'd said!

ben heller - i agree - it's only going to get worse.

anonymous - yeah, we'll see if the talk perky assistant manager had with him will do any good.

Cup said...

Why does he put up with all that abuse? I just don't understand why folks look for drama in their relationships.

Cup said...

And who the hell does that first Anonymous asshole think it is? (Mean people don't deserve a he/she pronoun.) How does it know whether or not you're doing this while pursuing your dream, or to help you meet your bills while you're in school or whatever. Jerkwad.