
beware the gripes of march

ok - so when superlead tells me to get off my ass and start posting, i know i'm in trouble.

as i'm sure most of you know, we baristas all got "re-trained" last tuesday.
was it worth it to close the stores early for this training?
for the baristas who already do their job the way they're supposed to, it was a waste of an evening. for the baristas who cut corners, don't pay attention to detail, or know how to aerate foam properly, it was a good way to make it clear that they need to change their ways.

in a way it was nice to hear that howard wants us to go back to quality - that we shouldn't feel pressured to hand off a crappy drink in record time.
"the customer would rather wait a few more minutes for a drink that tastes good, rather than instantly get a drink that tastes bad." said our trainers. "if you mess up a drink, go ahead and remake it - it's better to hand out a drink that tastes of quality."
"so, does that mean it doesn't count against us if it takes longer than three minutes for the customer to get their drink after walking through the front door?" superlead asked.
"no." our trainers told us. "the three-minute rule is still in place."

uh, yeah.

BUT on a totally different note, i must take some time to tell you about doobie newbie.
as you may recall, doobie was a very difficult newbie.
totally baked in the beginning, it seemed like he would never get the hang of being a barista. not only was he super sssslllllooooooowwwww, but he couldn't remember drink recipes, how to ring up customers, or even how to change the trash.
week after week we expected to see him quit or be fired.
week after week he hung on.
and now months later i am so happy to say that doobie newbie is now a GOOD barista.
sure, he's not super fast, and he still has some doobie moments, but he is a completely different person now than he was when he started.
and it certainly wasn't an overnight change.
it was very gradual. one week he could actually remember how many pumps to put into a grande vanilla latte. a few weeks later he was no longer making mistakes when marking cups, etc. finally, the time came when no one was complaining about him anymore, a time when i wouldn't cringe when i saw he was working the same shift as i was.
i made sure to tell doobie how proud i was of him, and how glad i was that he was fully in the barista groove. it's now a pleasure to work with him, and he always puts in 110% when he works with me.
yay for doobie!

and now i must start my very long barista/partner rant:
the other day there were only two baristas on the floor (i happened to be the barista on register that day). it was one of those 'machine gun burst' afternoons, when four or five customers would come in at a time. after one of our mini rushes (in which we ended up with a line of 6 frappuccinos as well as bar drinks) another group of four customers entered our store.
"i want an venti decaf americano." an older woman told me, then paid for her drink. after that a man ordered a hazelnut latte, a woman ordered an iced tea and her friend ordered an iced coffee.
the barista at bar was still working on the frappuccinos, even as i was taking the last order. when he handed off the final two frappuccinos, the older woman threw her hands up in the air and hissed at my fellow barista "where is MY drink? i ordered waaaaay before that man and he has BOTH of his drinks!".
"i'm sorry ma'am, but there was a line of drinks ahead of yours. i'm starting on the americano now." he politely informed her.
meanwhile, since i had no customers to ring up, i made the iced tea and iced coffee drink while my fellow barista waited for the decaf shots to pull for the bitter woman's americano.
now, i would have waited to hand off the iced tea and iced coffee since it was clear the bitter old woman was already in a tiff, but fellow barista went ahead and called out those drinks while the last of the decaf shots were pulled.
"ma'am, you're drink takes longer to make than those other two. i've been working on your drink this whole time." the barista calmly explained, but she wasn't having any of it.
"get me your manager!" she hissed at me, apparently sick of dealing with the barista at bar.
i went to the back room to get mr. split and quickly explained the situation: that the woman was mistaken in thinking the frappuccinos were ordered after her and that the other two drinks were not espresso based drinks.

soooooo -
the bitter lady gets on her soapbox and just starts spewing anything starbucks related that comes to mind.
"you're supposed to be focused on customers, but this is the WORST customer service i have ever received! i've been a loyal customer for years - i'm even a SHAREHOLDER, but i will be selling my stocks soon because it's clear that this company is going down the tubes!"
mr. split patiently listened to her go off before he apologized and offered her a beverage certificate. he also attempted to explain that there were indeed drinks in queue before hers, but she wasn't about to listen to reason. she started AGAIN about the stocks, and horrible customer service, yadda yadda.
so then mr. split offers to refund her drink, AS WELL AS giving her a free drink coupon.
this is the part that really upsets me.
starbucks is so "focused" on making the customer happy, that they basically let stupid customers get away with anything. what is so frustrating is that this woman TRULY thinks she was wronged! not only that - she ends up with two free drinks!
baristas are powerless in situations like these. this bitter old woman is going to call up corporate, believing her drink was left behind (because policy says to let the customer complain, and then do WHATEVER we can to make them happy), corporate will come down on us and our district manager will have to have a special meeting with all parties involved so that we know what we did wrong and how we should avoid it in the future.
if we actually try to explain our part of the situation, we are labelled "defensive" and "argumentative" and can possibly get a write up for it.
i know how important customer service is, but it is also important to back up your baristas.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand Brat...sometimes there is absolutely nothing you can do to make a customer happy. They just want to take their crappy day out on you.
Rule of Starbucks Law: The last customer in line to order is always the first person at the hand-off plane impatiently waiting for their drink.
PS As a manager though, you do have to try everything to make them happy. Then, I let my Baristas rant to me in the backroom. I don't blame them.

Johnny Yen said...

Good to see you post again!

Since going back to school, I'm working full time as a waiter again, and see plenty of this. There are people who walk into a place with a sense of entitlement, and a desire to share the misery in their lives with an innocent service worker.

Unknown said...

I agree with your rant. It is extreamly un-fair that baristas can't defend themselves. There is no way to do anything right when there are customers like that bitter old woman. Since you can't reason with them you are the only one who gets in trouble. It's no good. I'm all about customer service and making sure they get what they want but if they are only getting what they want because they are being stupid and rude that's annoying. People need to quit being so self important.

Alice said...

So good to have you back!

About the training and quality over rush, you reminded me of when I used to work for American Express in their customer service department. We were supposed to solve the callers question/complaint in under 3 minutes, however we were also required to say this very long welcome speech where we said our name, the client's name, good morning, how can I help you? etc... It took us about a third of the time we had to get the call done just saying hello.

6th Floor blog said...

It's good that he's finally improved, I guess It's kind of like a muscle memory thing, now that it's more ingrained, he gets it.

hearing stories like that last one all time time almost makes me want to scream and yell every time I go into Starbucks. Squeaky wheel gets the espresso I guess.

Eric said...

Hey Welcome Back Brat!
Spineless middle managers suck.
You would think that they would listen to both sides rather then the Customer Is Always right attitude but I guess that really never goes away.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, Brat. That was the absolute worst part for me of working in fast food; it feels like you are less than a person in those manager-customer-you conversations.

David Hepburn said...

Welcome back brat! Good to hear another great story! Just don't wait a whole month between posting this time! :-) (I know, I know...you're dealing with enough crap at work)

Anonymous said...

I wish that post had been worth waiting a month for... I guess this blog really is dead.

Anonymous said...

Dominique is right. It's probably hard to do it, but it may be time to pull the plug on the blog. I bet you've had the same thought yourself but you kept it going out of some feeling of obligation to your readers. Really, if it takes a month and a half to say something it's pretty much over.

Tony said...

As a former waiter of several years (in Casino restaurants, no less, where the customer's sense of entitlement is through the roof) I feel your pain. People are often quite unintelligent.

However, as a restaurant manager now (in a Casino restaurant, no less, where the customer's sense of entitlement is through the roof) I can sympathize with Mr. Split's dillemma as well. Even where any sane, intelligent person would look the customer in the eye and call her an impatient idiot, it is his job to ensure that she leaves placated, so that she comes back to buy more coffee tomorrow. If it costs two drinks and an explanation to upper management to convince her to continue patronizing your store and, ultimately, paying your wages, then that's what it takes.
In that situation, I placate the angry customer, then make sure the employee knows that I have their back. Often, I offer advice (especially where the employee did nothing specifically wrong) as to how to avoid that situation by doing something differently in the future (often the customer is perturbed about an unintentionally percieved slight). The short end is, my restaurant may not have the immense corporate juggernaut that bux does, but being attached to a casino means plenty of executive attention to guest complaints, and in your situation I hope Mr. Split has your back the way I would stand strong behind my employees.

P.S. In response to the idea that with some people nothing you can do will make them happy; I think that conclusion is a little bit off center. My theory is that those people are happy complaining. It makes them feel important to get that attention, and simply by listening--hearing them out--you are pleasing them. It sucks, and I very deeply dislike people like that, but that's just how they are.

Anonymous said...

thank goodness you are back and posting again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that Dominique and Giving Up said what they did. Are they paying to read this blog? Are they invested in it in any way? Why do they feel they have a right to be entertained?

Maybe this is how Brat deals with the job. I know I've needed to vent about my job when no one wanted to hear it. This blog isn't about anyone Brat.


Magnolia said...

There are 3 things I guarantee here:

1) She will patronize a Starbucks again in the future. Unless something truly horrendous happens (i.e. mouse feces in the bottom of a latte, getting cussed out by an employee) they always come back.
2) She will not sell her stock.
3) She has not been a "loyal customer for years." She probably never even set foot in your store before that day. People who use "I'm in here every day!" lines are NEVER actual regulars.

Threats like those are usually empty. At least if she does stop into your store again, you'll know that you must stop EVERYTHING and make sure she gets her drink, even BEFORE the people who were in line in front of her (ha ha).

Magnolia said...

Oh, and Dominique and Giving Up: brat doesn't owe you nor I anything. It's her damn blog.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You are back!!!
I hate customers like that...seriously, what is their problem?

Anonymous said...

My first reaction is to spit in her drink....but you know...

Coming to you from Texas

Jaui said...

yay! good to be reading you again brat! must've been really busy lately. I have a friend who's a barista at a bucks in LA and he's been pretty busy as well...

This lady that you ranted about really has nothing better to do with her life. It's not as if she really needed her drink that minute to enlighten her! *sigh* To tell you the truth, I don't even notice if someone got their drink before me and I only get a little agitated if it really is taking a long time to make.

Plus, the only time I actually complain (to any company) is when something really wrong had happened to me. I don't really look for compensation but it is a bonus - i just want the company to improve on themselves so that they can serve me better in the future. THAT's what complaint channels are for!!

Anyway, good to have you back and hopefully there's more to come!

ps. Dominique and Giving Up should really just chill out!!

Brown said...

I hate spineless managers! I see this pathetic behavior in the spa once in a while too. People will come 30 min late, then throw a fit when their massage is cut short and they have to pay full price.

I mean seriously?

revintraining said...

Yay, you're back!
I'm glad doobie newbie has turned it around, I'm sure it's a big help.

Anonymous said...

i used to work for borders, and once i had a woman come in with a stack of books to return. she said, flat to my face, that she had gotten them as part of a writing conference in vermont, and wanted to "return" them for cash or store credit. i said that we could only take returns of books that were actually purchased from a borders. but, she wondered, don't you give credit for books without a reciept? so how do you even know if they were really bought at borders? i agreed that it boils down to a matter of trust in those situations, but since she came in and actually told me that had in no way shape or form got her books at any of our stores, i could not accept them for returns, since they were never bought from us. she got irate, had me call a manager, and sure enough, he accepted all of the, for a big 3 digit store credit. yucko! i love working in mom and pop bars and cafe where i can kick people out who are being assholes. it is fun.

Anonymous said...

I used to work in customer service at a chain grocery store. The chain's policy is that if something rings up wrong the customer gets one free and the others at the correct price, which is annoying but okay. Our manager was so intent on 'keeping the customers coming back' that he told us that when customers come to the desk saying an item rang up wrong, we automatically give them a refund on it WITHOUT CHECKING the shelf or the circular. Needless to say, a lot of customers realized that they can just come up, point at their receipt and get whatever they want for free AT THEIR WORD, which in all honesty was only right about 10% of the time. This creates monsters, and pretty soon we were seeing the same customers come back up over and over, wanting something if not everything for free. Absolutely ridiculous. Honest customers and those of us non-complainers never get rewarded, and we are the ones paying for everyone else that takes advantage. And of course our manager never backed us up because he was the one telling us to modify the policy in the first place! Your post brought back so many (frustrating) memories!!!

Lorenzo said...

yay! welcome back :D

as a barista, i hate how we cant really defend ourselves and have the company allow that 'just say yes' to the customer. how about a 'just say yes, to saying no' plan?

and that woman was just plain stupid for causing a scene. it was obvious that those frappuccinos were before her decaf americano, and probably to those that were standing and waiting for their drinks. and if i was on the bar, i would've simply call her out and tell her that those frapps were ordered first regardless of what she said, her's is next. PERIOD.

would it be ethical to serve people in the drive thru in the same manner? by giving the car behind you their drinks first before yours? unethical, yes. and a bit impossible unless the barista gets out of the store and to the car. lol.

ok. im going into my own rant..

~lor ♥

Dolly Iris said...

woohoo a post!

i hope this means you'll b posting more often. welcome back! sounds like you needed a venting outlet and guess what? we love when u do :)

Allan said...

Would you get fired for serving a customer a cup of warm urine? I mean, if they noticed, that is.

Anonymous said...

yeah, years of retail management taught me the following:

"The answer's yes. What's the question?"

Bottom line, corporate will ALWAYS side with the customer. shitebags.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that I really enjoy your blog! I've just started my new anonymous one because I realised talking about work on my public blog could get me fired!

Best of luck


a simple cashier said...

Hey, I'm glad to see you're writing again. I'll be looking forward to seeing more tales of woe. Also, just letting you know I linked you on my newly-started blog, I hope you don't mind.

Manuel said...

awh hugs n that

Anonymous said...

Thought you might be interested in this non-complaintive experience someone had at bux


BARISTAN said...

we (baristas) over here in Sweden have the same prob. nice blog you have here.

Magnolia said...

I'd be interested in your take on the ruling in California that will force Starbucks to pay $105 million to baristas whose managers and supervisors dipped into their tips.

Personally, I never had a problem when shift supervisors at Caribou would take tips -- they pretty much did the same job as regular baristas for not much more pay. What really irked me was when the managers, who were salaried and earned a bonus if the store did well, would include themselves when tips were divided.

Any thoughts, brat?

Tom said...

Hey, brat! Thought of you today when I read about the ruling. Will you take us all out for drinks on the big check you're going to get? And how the hell are you? I miss you!

Tom aka...

Anonymous said...

Dude, I totally understand your pain. I work at a private school. That is, I'm a teacher. It's now a mass-marketed pile of comercial factors. My boss is always doing exactly what you described: SS. are always right. They can't fail (otherwise, they might leave us). We can't be a bit strict (SS. never do homework, are always late and tend to be absent quite often). But they can't fail. And if they do, They just talk to the director, pay their tuition in advance, and voila! ready for the following level. However, at the end of the levels, their`performance is not the most acceptable, and we are to be blamed.

Anonymous said...

I think my favorite customers are the ones who order, then rush around past where we hand off drinks to hover at the counter so they can watch their drink being prepared. It's as if they're so paranoid that you're going to a) make someone else's drink before you do their drink or b) forget to read the cup properly and accidentally put caffeinated shots in a decaf drink and therefore must monitor your every move. Loooooove that so much!

Anonymous said...

This isn't a blog, it's a slog. Jesus Christ if you can't even write something, anything but once a month. Save us the time of checking back every day. I like your stuff, but give us a break, hang it up. We all come here because we like what you write. We are invested in this also. Wake up and smell the coffee, so to speak. Later Bob

Magnolia said...

anonymous: Is brat forcing you to check back every day? No. Did she start this blog for your benefit? No. Does she have any obligation whatsoever to anyone? No. If you don't like checking back every day, only to be disappointed...DON'T DO IT. Sheesh.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

How come whenever someone posts a comment that is even slightly negative everyone jumps on that person saying things like; "It's her blog, she can do what she wants.", "you don't pay for it.." and so on. It's annoying. I can almost hear those people sucking back the spit that has formed in the corners of their mouth and pushing up their glasses. It's lame, and the baristabrat S.S. party needs to get a life.

Magnolia said...

Haha. Guilty as charged. For myself, it's the hypersensitivity to anyone with a sense of unearned entitlement that developed during my years as a barista. The people who whine about the infrequency of posts, like they are entitled to the entertainment, touch that nerve. However, usually I'm good about keeping the spit in my mouth ;)

Jaui said...

hehe... wow, all the debate on whether brat should be updating the blog more regularly...

hmmm... perhaps brat is on holiday.

or on a well deserved break (there are tonnes of posts before that newcomers can read - start from the beginning!!)

Anonymous said...

you suck! you suck rockstar roasted energy coffee drinks! which are completely vile! you suck so bad because i hate you. i hate your blog! i hate it because it sucks!


you're terrible!

weare138 said...

I hate Starbucks customers and really feel for you poor Starbucks employees. You go through way more shit than you're compensated for.

Anonymous said...

I guess she has quit writing... too bad. I liked her stuff!

6th Floor blog said...

Feeling the grind of posting a blog? (haha, I made a bad joke) I look forward to all your insight/observations on all the new changes/drinks/etc at Starbucks lately.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks is not a career, especially not for the talented. Hopefully she has moved on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its unfortunate because I really enjoyed this blog, and while I recognize that the author has no responsibility to update frequently, two months without an update is a little much to expect people to continue reading. Happy trails, brat, unfortunately if you ever make it back here, I won't be here to read it.

SkippyMom said...

The last commentator cracked me up...."I won't be here to read it" is the equivalent to a customer screaming "FINE! I will JUST GO TO YOUR COMPETITOR"


As with most people that write blogs, yes the viewing public is wonderful - it gives us validation and a pat on the back....

but I find most bloggers write for their own selves...

Did it ever occur to you "Anonymous" that perhaps Brat might be sick or trying to manuveur through some crisis in her life and owes you nothing?

Cut Brat some slack. Barista Brat stays on my blog roll because the writer is a kind person, with a keen sense of humor and a wonderful writing style.

Some of my [new] readers might find her archives a fun read - and it doesn't hurt to have a bit of compassion now - does it?

Bail money <---burning hole in Skippy's pocket.....

Anonymous said...

Skippymom... did it ever occur to you that maybe Brat just slacked off for a really long time and then didn't know how to make a comeback? Or maybe she's adopting little African babies. Pursuing her dream career of stock car racing. Raiding coastal Iceland. The possibilities are endless, and they don't really matter.

There never was much of a personal perspective in this blog, so it's understandable that if Brat is having a personal problem, she wouldn't post it here.

Sure, she doesn't owe the readers anything. But if she's bothered by all this feedback, most of which expresses regret at not hearing from her, why bother enabling comments? Why is it so offensive for someone to say, "hey, this was an ok way to pass some time, too bad it's gone now"?

If I criticized you for criticizing someone, then I would be criticizing someone for criticizing someone for criticizing someone... and that's just a little extreme. So allow people to mourn the death of this little blog in their own ways, why don't you, and butt out.

Accountant said...

I miss Brat.

I have $5 that says her next post will be after but not before June 15th.

Anonymous said...

Hey skippymom, this is the anonymous above you that you seem so intent to demonize. Yes, here I am again because I though that maybe, just maybe, there might be a new post today. And of course there wasn't, because there hasn't been for a long time and there probably won't be for a long time. My comment about not being here to read it wasn't petulant, just stating a fact, and I was sincere in my wish for good things for brat. I thought I made it clear that I don't expect anything from her when I said exactly that.

Its cool that a read through the archives is fun for some people, but I read through them all long ago. It sucks if brat is having personal problems, but she might also have just gotten too busy to write here, and there's nothing wrong with that.

She's perfectly capable of speaking for herself, as she's made abundantly clear through the eloquence of her blogs, and I don't think she needs people being obnoxious with the guise of "sticking up for her" especially when no ill will was intended.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

That was lovely, annonymous. I just took the direct route and told the Barista Brat S.S. to get a life. Your way was much nicer.

Anonymous said...

hey brat im a new fan ive been reading your whole blog from the beginning over the past few days and i love it, its so entertaining and informative, u are the best barista ever lol keep on writing!

staticwarp said...

i've been reading this blog for so long that i remember when she would post every couple of days. i remember the last time she stopped posting and we had a 50-some-odd comment string of people begging for more/saying they would never come back. i say we start placing bets, as accountant has suggested. i'm going to start with $10 that she wont post again until august fourth. do we have a bookie out there? get a big enough betting pool going and someone could make some real $$$ here.

i wonder if she sees all these comments in her email...

OldSchoolD15 said...

I miss Brat :(

Anonymous said...

Some people just like to cause a scene. Maybe she was that type. It's a shame she had to take it out on you guys though.

staticwarp said...

maybe when they retrained the baristas, they brainwashed them so that they hate blogs now. that must be it!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I wish she would just delete this already so I stop tricking myself and coming back to check if there's a new post.

Unknown said...

Bye-bye Brat. RIP

Anonymous said...

"If I criticized you for criticizing someone, then I would be criticizing someone for criticizing someone for criticizing someone"

Does this even make sense, at all? Do you think anyone listened to your point after this tripe?

no, me neither.

Anonymous said...

For the uninitiated...the bail money comment is a private joke between me and Brat. If you are such an avid reader you would know the gag.

I wasn't trying to DEMONIZE [what a strong word - sounds like too much anime' for you, eh?] anyone...simply that I thought it was apropos to compare the "I won't be back to read" [ANON] with a customer that says "I will go to your competitor"

It was a good analogy...sorry...and makes sense if you have ever worked retail.

I feel bad for you poor babies that thought it neccessary to come after me based on a post I know was well placed.


...and, I will say nice things about those that have been kind to me. Brat included. So until you know all the facts or read all the comments don't come banging down my door for something I didn't do.

You are woefully unarmed.


Anonymous said...

Dear Skippy,

Get a life.

Every other reader of this blog

Anonymous said...

lol@ anonymous 3:49am

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:57,

Time to up the antidepressants. At least go for a midol. Sorry I made your head do crazy things.

Anonymous said...

fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1fuck FUCK post SOMETHING !!!!111!1V

Anonymous said...


Jaui said...

whoa... slag is angry...

really do wonder where brat has run off to... it's been 2 months now. at least put up a farewell post for her longtime readers/fans!!

staticwarp said...

ja totally. i've been coming here and checking the comments every day to chuckle at the "i'm never reading this again" posts. i still wonder if she reads all of these in her email...

dude! maybe she got killed in some sort of bizarre espresso machine/steaming wand accident. bummer!

Anonymous said...

Whether it's in a restaurant or banquet hall, many customers don't go out much so they are expecting this perfect service, day or time. We all know that doesn't happen. Deal with it then move on. what else can you do?

P.S. Who's better? Banquet waiters or restaurant waiters?

Anonymous said...

daddy's secret penis tounge

Anonymous said...

where the fuck is the shit

Anonymous said...

well, put me in a little pink dress, slap me around till i cry and call me a chinese prostitute

Sharon from the Valley said...

brat! where have you been? come back!


Anonymous said...

I keep checking back only to never find a new post. Boo Hoo

Anonymous said...

keep spamming the comments until she notices.

Anonymous said...

Too many retail companies are now taking this road where they will do almost anything to please the customer. As a banquet manager, I've many customers that are "not always right".
Visit my blog at:
>So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager

staticwarp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

by spam the comments i meant write harassing things, not actually spam the comments with shameless self promotion! i was starting to think everyone actually stopped coming here. i say we just post something every day in the comments until it breaks 1000 posts. it may get some attention, that is if brat isnt actually dead as some have theorized. someone could at least put an obituary up for us. sheesh.

staticwarp said...

scurrilous scoundrels salivate saving sassy snakes surrounding seven sissy sycophant surrogate sisters sanguinely skating.

Mrs. Qball said...

I miss you

Anonymous said...

Hey Brat, hope your coming back soon, I miss your clever writing, hope nothing has happened to you.

A big fan

Anonymous said...

Interesting post about a Starbucks experience


Anonymous said...

So I really enjoyed reading your blog . . . I became a partner about a month ago and reading other people's shitty situations and reading about a new barista who has to be 20X worse than me was uplifting . . . I"m glad he got better though! Keep posting!!

Theresa said...

Hi there, Brat!
Just a quick note to let you know I miss your well written posts. Thanks for providing an awesome read!